How to uninstall ImageMagick from CPanel?

Asked 4 years ago (Mar 04, 2021) in the field of Web Hosting by paul

I installed ImageMagick on the cpanel server, but now I want to remove it. Please help me to uninstall ImageMagick from cpanel server.


Answered 4 years ago (Mar 04, 2021) by Eldernode staff

Dear Paul, 


To uninstall ImageMagic from cPanel, you should first log into your cPanel server via SSH as ‘root’. Then, run the command below to remove it successfully. 


yum remove ImageMagick

In this way, you will be able to remove ImageMagick and its dependencies from the server.


Also, you can uninstall ImageMagic via WHM. follow the below path to do this:

Login to WHM > Under Software tab click on “Module Installers” >  Click on “manage” in front of PHP Pecl >  Click “Uninstall” button in front of Imagick

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