How to uninstall Cloudlinux from Directadmin?

Asked 4 years ago (Feb 28, 2021) in the field of Web Hosting by tom

I installed Cloudlinux on the DirectAdmin control panel, but now I want to remove it. Please help me to uninstall Cloudlinux from DirectAdmin.


Answered 4 years ago (Feb 28, 2021) by Eldernode Staff

To uninstall Cloudlinux, first log in to your server via SSH and then enter the following commands:

wget -O cldeploy http://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cldeploy
sh cldeploy -c

If you want to delete this kernel completely, do the following commands in order:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_system_install -c
yum upgrade -y
/scripts/easyapache --build
yum --disableexcludes=all install kernel
rpm -qa |awk '/^kernel.*lve/ {print $1|"xargs yum -y erase"}'
rpm -qa --qf "[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}\n]"|awk '/CloudLinux/ {print $2|"xargs yum reinstall -y"}'
rpm -qa --qf "[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}\n]"|awk '/CloudLinux/ {print $2|"xargs yum downgrade -y"}'
rpm -qa --qf "[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}\n]"|awk '/CloudLinux/ {print $2|"xargs yum erase -y"}'
yum upgrade -y


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