How to install yate-qt4 on ubuntu?

Asked 4 years ago (Nov 16, 2020) in the field of Operating Systems by iceboys

I would like to install the following package on an ubuntu 18.04: yate-qt4. I have an existing ubuntu installation that I once upgraded from 16.x, and there the yate client was just kept. Now I’m reinstalling 18.04 directly, and cannot find a way to force installation of the yate client again. If I downloaded the *.tar.gz from the url, what would I have to do with it in order to install yate?


Answered 4 years ago (Nov 16, 2020) by Richard

You have to try packages from “Silver Connection” team PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:sico/yate sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install yate-client

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