How to Install a Wireless Driver on Ubuntu 18.04

Asked 4 years ago (Feb 08, 2021) in the field of Operating Systems by Hanzade

Hi, I installed Ubuntu 18.04 but it does not have wireless and I can not connect to the Internet. In the additional drives section, there were two options, one of which was Broadcom, but it could not be installed.please guide me.


Answered 4 years ago (Feb 08, 2021) by Eldernode staff

In case you are using Broadcom Limited BCM43142 as a network controller, run the following command to install the package:

sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source
sudo modprobe wl  

If it did not solve, restart the server and  type the commands below

lspci -knn | grep Net -A3  
rfkill list  

Good Luck.

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