How to fix the problem in installing programs in fedora

Asked 4 years ago (Apr 05, 2021) in the field of Operating Systems by Flavio

Hello friends, I get this error message when I try to install a program in Fedora:Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘updates’ from…AndCurl error (7): Couldn’t connect to the server for… How can this problem be solved?


Answered 4 years ago (Apr 06, 2021) by Eldernode staff

Dear Flavio, 


I guess the main issue is in your repositories. So, in the ”vi /etc/yum.reps.d ”path, open the ”fedora.repo” and ”fedora-updates.repo” repositories and deselect baseurl. Finally, delete the contents of the / var / cache / dnf file and try again.

Thank you for sending the message. Feel free to inform me if the issue is not solved yet.

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