How to change the hostname on CentOS 8?

Asked 4 years ago (Mar 31, 2021) in the field of Operating Systems by Shoufa

Hi, I am using CentOS 8, I need to change the hostname and cannot find a solution. Thank you.


Answered 4 years ago (Mar 31, 2021) by Eldernode Staff

You can change the hostname using the hostnamectl command by running the following commands:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host.example.com
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "Your Pretty HostName" --pretty
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host.example.com --static
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host.example.com --transient

For example, to change the system static hostname to host.eldernode.com, you would use the following command:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host.eldernode.com

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