How should I use nano as my new text editor?

Asked 4 years ago (Feb 10, 2021) in the field of Operating Systems by Sam

Working with Vi is a little difficult for me, I wish to start using nano but how could I use it and change my text editor in Ubuntu/Debian? Is it possible to change it permanently, please? Thank you and waiting for your reply.


Answered 4 years ago (Feb 10, 2021) by Eldernode Staff

First, install the nano using the following command:

yum -y install nano

You can now use the following command to temporarily change the default text editor:

export EDITOR="nano"

To change the text editor in Debian and Ubuntu systems, you can perform the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --config editor

To change the text editor permanently and systematically, first go to etc/profile.d:

cd /etc/profile.d

Then open the custom.sh file for editing:

nano custom.sh

Add and save the following code:

export EDITOR="nano"
export VISUAL="nano"

Finally, reboot the server:


For more information, see How to install and use nano text editor and How to work with Nano Editor in Linux.

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